What is a Pre-Workout?

I feel like we all get a little bogged down, overwhelmed and maybe even afraid of the “pre-workout”.  What should go in it?  What brands are best?  What kinds of workouts need a “pre workout” boost? 

Let’s clear the air.  

For ME, a pre-workout is something I can choose to consume before an activity that boosts my mood and my body for a more positive workout experience.  It is not a promoted, brand name beverage that claims to have everything I need for a bigger and better workout.  A pre-workout can be completely tailored to YOUR needs.  You do not have to buy something labeled “PRE WORKOUT” to boost your workouts!  

I’ve been playing with things that work best for my body and my brain.  I’ve got some sensitivities and I definitely don’t want to disregard those when concocting my fuel.  After all, this should act as an elevation!  So what goes into it?  First, let’s look at some things that I AVOID. 

Here are some common ingredients that I see in the heavily marketed pre-workouts online and in stores:

  • Sugar. Yep. SO MANY pre-workout drinks have added sugar in them.

  • If not sugar, Sucralose or aspartame. To each their own when it comes to sweetening beverages, but these do not work for me.

  • Dyes and artificial additives. I don’t need my pre-workout drink to be electric blue for it to make me feel electric.

  • Caffeine. This is a big one for me. Caffeine is very hard on my stomach, makes me jittery and actually makes my muscles feel more fatigued during workouts. Caffeine is a natural diuretic so if you’re cool with caffeine, at least make sure you are drinking extra water!

So, what is my pre-workout made of?  Well, it’s not always the same!  Some days, I need an extra brain and body boost, while others, I just want a bit of energy to get started.  Here are the things that I mix and match to make up my daily fuel! 

Illustrative Best Health Apps Infographic.png

The above are only suggestions that I’ve been trying and adding to my own diet for a few years now.  I want you to find power in foods and/or supplements that work for you.  Do bananas give you an extra boost before you workout?  Great!  Do you feel better with extra carbs before cardio?  Try some Almond Butter toast or a smoothie with some extra fruit!  Don’t be afraid to try some new mixtures until you find what works for you.  

The takeaway is that a “pre-workout” does not have to be a pre-determined, pre-made thing that you have no say in.  It doesn’t need to make you immediately picture some super jacked dude lifting weights and sweating in dramatic lighting.  That may not be your workout!  You can create fuel for anything, whether it’s a walk through the neighborhood or an intense spin class, or lifting double your body weight if that’s what you’re into. 

Comment below if you want to see some of my favorite recipes utilizing the above ingredient list!  I would love to show you my pantry!     

I am not a nutritionist and I do not recommend that you add anything to your diet without proper research or the aid of a professional.  These above ingredients are generally safe and readily available.  Please take any known allergies or sensitivities into consideration before trying. 


Red Light (Therapy), Green Light, GO!


Dealing with Envy.