
Who am I? I’m Jaimee, and I’m from a tiny little town in North Carolina called Pittsboro. Yes. PITTSboro…. I grew up with a love for hunting lizards, reading fantasy novels and playing my GameBoy Color. I became a moody “theater kid” in high school, and my daily uniform consisted of brightly colored skinny jeans, a new hair color every month and all the spiked bracelets. This turned out to be more than a phase, and I landed on my feet (still rocking the black Converse) with a bachelor’s degree in film and TV from Savannah College of Art and Design in 2013. I currently work as an Assistant Post Producer for reality TV, and it’s awesome! But that’s another life. This is about the Fit Life.

My Fit Life began back in 2010 when I took my first ever online fitness class. I bet you’ve heard of it. It was the Ab Ripper X video by P90X with Tony Horton. I did this video so many times I could probably quote it to you in it’s entirety today. Tony Horton taught me that fitness instructors could be quirky and still kick butt. I took my first live group fitness class in college, and I bet you can’t guess what it was! Mat Pilates changed my life. It kicked my ass, it showed me physical and mental discipline and it showed me RESULTS. Honestly, I knew after the first class that I wanted to teach this format. I just wasn’t ready yet.

I found Blogilates on Youtube in 2013 after graduating college, struggling with money, job hunting and grasping for ways to continue my fitness routine without access to a free community gym. Cassey Ho had taken my two favorite things, dance and Pilates, and created a workout that I was SURE had been created with me in mind. I fell in love with her format, her personality and her excellent instruction. When I found out that she had created a group fitness format called POP Pilates, the decision was already made. This is what I wanted, what I needed and I signed-up to get certified within 20 minutes of this discovery. Teaching fitness brought me so much joy that over the past 4-years, I have slowly grown my format portfolio to include POP Pilates, PIIT28, Mat Pilates, Cycle, Barre and Yoga.

This sounds like some fairytale, meant to be, happily ever after, right? Well, yes this was one of the best decisions I ever made, but this journey has been filled with crushed egos, failures big and small, embarrassment, self-doubt, physical injury and loss of people I thought were friends. It has also been filled with indescribable joy, success, self love, growth and an entirely new community with friends I never expected to have.

Now, I’m ready to share ALL of these experiences with you.

Don’t believe me? Ask them!


As someone who has been out of the group class game for awhile, Jaimee has made fitness classes feel accessible to me for the first time in a long time.


If you want someone upbeat with awesome jokes, analogies, and modifications to murder your muscles, then Jaimee is your girl! Jaimee is genuinely here to help you be the best you every single time you step on the mat. You're doing yourself a disservice if you're not working out with her.



I highly recommend taking one of Jaimee's classes. She's spirited and fun and will leave you feeling like you pushed yourself and feeling good (sore, but good)!


Jaimee will inspire you to push yourself, but you won't even realize because you're busy laughing and having fun. Jaimee also brings expertise and is form-focused.