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Super Charge Your Morning Meal

I know I talk and talk about being a morning person, working out early and getting all the things done. Here’s the thing…I don’t always just wake up ready to go. It’s not a magical switch I have inside that lets me get up and spring out of bed like a fresh ray of sunshine. It takes mental and physical commitment AND a kickass boost in my first meal of the day.

I struggled for years not knowing what to eat in the morning, how to balance food and workouts or what would serve my body best. I don’t function well with a large breakfast and I struggle with the “mid morning sleepies” post workout. If you have any of these struggles, I feel you! That’s why I’m sharing with you my favorite go-to pre workout concoction for early risers! Check out my morning staple below! I’ve even linked my favorite brands right into the recipe! Let me know if you try this and how it worked for you. This is just one of my many favorite fuels, so let me know if you want more!


Need something light, but energizing? This is literally what I drink EVERY SINGLE MORNING (and yes, that’s a REAL picture of it below!), even when I’m not working out. It wakes up my body, my brain and gives me that light boost without the cardio side cramps or heavy, tired feeling in the middle of my workouts.



What You Need:

  • 1 -2 cups almond, coconut, macadamia or regular milk

  • 2 tablespoons of raw, unsweetened cacao powder

  • 1 scoop (or whatever the serving size is) of collagen powder

  • 1 scoop each of reishi, cordyceps and lion’s mane powder

  • 1 dropper full of liquid stevia OR one tablespoon of maple syrup

    • Wanna give it a little more density? Add one whole frozen banana to the mix!

    • Wanna add extra zing? Replace half of your milk choice with coffee!

What you do:

  • Put all ingredients into a shaker bottle (or a blender if you added the banana), blend together and you’re ready to go!

You are going to feel SO GOOD after drinking this! Raw Cacao, energizes the muscles and spikes mental clarity. Reishi is great for your immune system, reduces stress and lessens fatigue. Cordyceps have anti aging properties, improve endurance and fight inflammation. Lion’s mane is literal brain food, helping with cognitive function, relieving depression and anxiety and it can repair nervous system injuries. Collagen is great for your hair, skin and nails, helps increase muscle mass, prevents bone loss and relieves joint pain!

I love that this is not only a performance booster, but a wake up call to your brain. If I ever wake up and feel extra unmotivated to workout, this usually does the trick and lifts my mood so I’m ready to crush my workout (or just my day). You can drink this pre workout or on rest days to elevate your mood and keep you productive.

Ready to try it? Let me know what you think! I’d love to share more of my snacks with you, so let me know if you’d like a Fit Life Meal series in the blog!